Tuesday, 7 March 2017

Graphic design - 1B

Camera Techniques

  1. Portrait used for tones and a reflector
  2. Nikon D7100  - 24 mmp
  3. M on the camera stands for manual
  4. Manual controls aperture and shutter speed 
  5. Front dial controls the f-stop
  6. Back dial controls the shutter speed
  7. WB stands for White balance
  8. Lense = A stands for AUTOMATIC and M stands for CMANUAL


Thursday, 26 January 2017

Wednesday, 25 January 2017

Pre-production diary 4

We took some photos of potential locations and things that could possibly go wrong then I began doing the risk assessment for our campaigning film.

Me and Donelle decided on who should do what in the pre-production stage of our campaigning film. We decided that I would do the:

- Storyboard
- Shot lists
- Listing props/costumes/make up
- Risk assessments
- Crew Lists
- Light testing shots

And Donelle would do:

- Recce
- Call sheets
- Release forms
- Equipment booking forms
- Cast lists

Pre-production diary 3

We completed the storyboards

Pre-production diary 1&2

I was not in lesson so my partner (Donelle) completed the task overview and what our initial ideas were.